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Korongo No. 2: Homebound Still

As a long, dark winter settled over Vermont, residents of the White River Valley reached out to friends and neighbors, isolated by the pandemic of 2020–2021, with this collection of stories, poems, and pictures, their overall theme a message of hope. Here you'll find a mother-daughter journal about an Abenaki garden that provides food for tribal elders, a photo essay about revamping a restaurant in the middle of a pandemic, greetings from former residents who have moved away, and stories about rediscovering simple pleasures and old pastimes. "Homebound Still," volume 2 in the Korongo series, is a celebration of community spirit in small-town Vermont during hard times. Paperback edition, 6 x 9 inches, 204 pages, printed in color.Contributors: Valerie Auffray Daniel, Josie Carothers, Sheila Colson, Charles Cooley, P.A. Cooley, Phil Godenschwager, Kyla Grace, Shirly Hook, Amy Hook-Therrien, Emily Howe, John Jackson, Mindy Jackson-Jefferys, Jon Kaplan, Forest MacGregor, Jo Magee, Rebecca McMeekin, Linda Morse, Chip Allen Natvig, Sarah Natvig, Tina O'Donnell, Sally Penrod, Nancy Reid, Carl Russell, Valerie Schoolcraft, Gloria Baker Smith, Idora Tucker, Nancy Tucker, Dana Waters, Janet Watton. Cover Illustration: Ira Ferro. Editors: Sara Tucker and Patrick Texier.







Korongo No. 2: Homebound Still

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